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The Differences Between Demand Generation and Lead Generation.

Demand Generation and Lead Generation are terms that are often used interchangeably, but they have different meanings.

Lead Generation is the process of generating interest in a product or service to create sales leads.

Demand Generation, on the other hand, is the process of creating demand for a product or service.

A graphic of different types of content improving sales.

In other words, Demand Generation is a broader term that encompasses Lead Generation. So, there may be situations where either Demand Generation or Lead Generation is what your business needs.

Both generation methods are powerhouses for any marketing strategy, it’s just about evaluating what your business needs at its current juncture.

In this blog post:

A graphic of a hand holding a magnet that attracts people, viewers, consumers, and sales.
Image by vector4stocka on Freepik.

These are the 4 main differences between demand generation and lead generation.

1. The Buyer Journey 🔄

Lead Generation is typically focused on generating leads and converting them into customers.

Demand Generation focuses on the entire buyer’s journey, not just the top of the funnel. It takes a more holistic approach and focuses on the entire buyer’s journey.

This means creating content and providing resources that address each stage of the buyer’s journey, from Awareness to Consideration to Decision.

By providing valuable content at each stage of the journey, you’re more likely to nurture leads into customers and create long-term advocates for your brand.

2. Conversion Through Demand 🎢

Lead Generation is about generating leads and converting them into customers.

Demand Generation is more than just generating leads. It’s about creating demand for your product or service.

This means going beyond generating leads and also creating awareness and interest in your product or service.

In your market:

  • 5% of people are close to buying

  • 95% far from buying

Demand generation focuses on creating and fostering a consistent relationship with the 95% to nurture them into becoming the 5% ready to buy.

To do this, you’d have to create compelling content that educates your target audience about your product or service and convince them of its value. Only then will you be able to generate leads that are more likely to convert into customers.

3. Strategy-based 🗾

Lead Generation can be a reactive process, where you simply generate leads in response to a specific event or trigger.

Demand Generation is a more strategic process that involves planning and executing a comprehensive marketing plan.

This plan should include goals, objectives, strategies, and tactics for creating demand for your product or service.

Demand generation is a deliberate approach.

It’s meant to give nudges through content and bring inbound traffic. By taking a more strategic approach, you’ll be better able to generate leads that convert into customers and grow your business.

4. Sustainability ♻️

Lead Generation can be a short-term process that may not be able to generate lasting results.

However, Demand Generation is a more sustainable process that can generate long-term results. This is because Demand Generation focuses on creating a consistent stream of leads, rather than a one-time burst.

By taking a more sustainable approach, you’ll be able to generate leads consistently over time and sustainably grow your business.


Demand Generation and Lead Generation are two different methods of generating leads.

Sometimes blog posts are too long to read. So, we’ve summed it up for you.

Here are the key differences between the two:

So, which one is more important?

Well, that depends entirely on your business goals.

If your goal is to increase sales, then Lead Generation is probably more important.

But if your goal is to increase brand awareness or build a database of potential customers, then Demand Generation is probably more important.

There's no right or wrong answer, but it's important to understand the difference between the two so you can focus your marketing efforts on the activities that will help you achieve your business goals.

We hope this blog post has helped shed some light on the 2 most popular and effective methods that’ll help you in your marketing strategy with your creative team.

If you have any questions or suggestions, leave a comment below 😊

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