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whacked | Personal Branding

brand founders.

Scale your personal brand with social media to attract B2B opportunities, attract top talents and become the go-to leaders in your space.

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We've been at it for a while now.


Founders worked with us


Years in Industry


Profiles analysed


Posts written


Tomorrow's industry leaders are leveraging on personal brand content to drive growth.

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Producing content is one of the most high-leverage activities for founders

And it's getting more competitive. Whatever you don't do, your competitors might.

Become a subject-matter expert

Be known as the leader in your industry by sharing your journey and knowledge with your audience.

Drive opportunities for your business

A strong personal brand can drive increased clients, collab opportunities or land you invites to speaking events.

Become an obvious solution in the market

Be seen as the go-to person for the solution your market needs, without being pushy.


We offer a range of solutions - based on your needs and stage

LinkedIn Growth Service

We’ve driven millions of views to client profiles in B2B & education spaces with strategic posting.


We'd take care of all the writing, strategy and research. We interview you for 2 hours a month to get content.

Multi-channel Personal Branding

For the founders considering building a Podcast, posting on TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook. We can customise a tailored solution and work with you to build a strategy that makes sense.

LinkedIn Coaching Programs

Join our 1-1 coaching plans (Done-with-you plan)


Or have us train your team or speak at your organisation on personal branding and social media growth.

Currently in Beta

Introducing Cleve: Your AI personal brand assistant

We're currently developing an AI product that prompts you relevant questions and organizes your thoughts.


We're currently launching our Beta in phases. Join the waitlist to stay updated on our progress.

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Let's have a chat

Book a 30 min call to see if we're the right partner to help you grow your personal brand. We'll go over your journey, challenges and craft a strategy for you.

Get 2 emails a month, on branding & strategy

Amazing. See you really soon :)

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